New Zealand Rugby Fan Account

I have a Team All Blacks account, what should I do?

If you already have a Team All Blacks account, all you need to do is login with your email address, or with with your Facebook or Google account that you used for your Team All Blacks account. You do not need to sign up again. If you are having any issues logging in with your Team All Blacks account, please email [email protected].

If your question is about match tickets for games in New Zealand please email: [email protected]

If your question is about NZR+ please email: [email protected]

How do I login?

You can log in to your account by clicking on this link.

How do I sign up?

You can sign up for an account by clicking on this link. When you sign up, you can sign up with your Facebook or Google account. Alternatively, you can also use your email address to sign up.

How do I updated my account details?

You can update your account details in your account here. You will need to be logged in to update your account.

How do I updated my team and contact preferences?

You can update your teams and contact preferences here, and then click on 'Teams & Contact Preferences'. You will need to be logged in to update your team and contact preferences.

How do I update my password?

If you have forgotten your password, you can reset your password by clicking on the 'Don't remember your password?' link here.

Or if you are logged in, you can update your password here.

How do I delete my account?

You can delete your account here, click on 'Teams & Contact Preferences' and following the instructions. You will need to be logged in to delete your account.

I have a question about something else.

If you have a question that isn't answered above, and it's to do with your New Zealand Rugby Fan Account, please email [email protected].

If your question is about match tickets for games in New Zealand please email: [email protected]

If your question is about NZR+ please email: [email protected]

For any other questions, please contact us here.