Hosted by former All Black Andy Ellis and Netflix show, Orange is the New Black star Jessica Pimentel, the four episode series takes fans on a journey through the vibrant neighbourhoods of San Diego, uncovering diverse and unexpected connections to rugby uncovering fascinating human stories and encounters along the way. The series is now available free on NZR+ and the All Blacks Youtube Channel.
Jessica Pimentel discovered rugby in college, fans will see her passion for the sport and specifically the All Blacks on show across the new series, Offsiders.
“I have always felt a strong connection to New Zealand, I love how the All Blacks and New Zealand Rugby incorporate and celebrate their culture and people. Hosting the series alongside Andy was an absolute delight, his passion and expertise for the sport really shines through. I learned so much about rugby and San Diego all while having a lot of laughs as you will see.”
Andy Ellis was stoked to be back in America with the opportunity to capture the NZR+ series and explore rugby culture on the west coast.
“Americans really love their sport, what really surprised me is the rugby programmes set up in San Diego and the passionate group growing rugby there. I really enjoyed working with Jessica and shooting Offsiders, Jessica is an absolute champion, she genuinely loves rugby and New Zealand. We had a lot of fun in San Deigo, which is a diverse, colourful and really accepting place.”
Watch episode one and two of Offsiders, available now free on NZR+ and All Blacks You Tube.
Episode 1 – available now on NZR+ and YouTube:
Fresh through customs, Jessica and Andy hit the road in a convertible before heading to San Diego's epicentre of rugby: Snapdragon Stadium. They then take rugby to Mach 5 with the Marines, before Andy introduces Jessica to a taste of home at Queenstown - San Diego's only Kiwi cafe.
Episode 2 – available now on NZR+ and YouTube:
Jessica and Andy catch up with Captain America himself, Todd Clever, and see how he is helping grow grassroots rugby in America. From there, their travels take them to meet with James Sa and the Navy wheelchair rugby team.
Episode 3 - premieres 22 July (6AM NZST on NZR+, 12PM NZST on YouTube)
Andy and Jessica take a trip to the Elite Athlete Training Center where they learn to train with USA Seven's player, Perry Baker. Next, they pay the Surfers a visit - San Diego's Woman's Premiere League rugby union club. Beautiful, strong, and roaring with body positivity, Jessica goes all in the big girls. But not before Andy goes all in on the waves and tries his hand at the classic So Cal culture of surfing.
Episode 4 – premieres 23 July (6AM NZST on NZR+, 12PM NZST on YouTube)
Andy and Jessica make a date with a romance writer who puts rugby players at the centre of her affairs. And Love means Love in San Diego as we go out for a night in town with Armada - San Diego's gay and inclusive rugby team. For Armada, rugby's opened doors, changed lives, and been one hell of a party.